Embedded System Consulting

  • Deep experience across multiple embedded platforms: ARM Cortex M series, ARM64/aarch64, Intel x86-64

  • Custom device driver design and implementation: Linux or microcontroller or otherwise

  • Video- and audio-rate (or higher), low-latency DSP algorithms

  • Multi-threaded applications and data processing

  • Rapid prototyping

Embedded Design Services

  • Embedded OS: Linux, Zephyr, OpenEmbedded/Yocto, Android, RTOSes: FreeRTOS, NuttX, etc.

  • Hardware and network communication protocols: USART/UART, I2C, SPI, MIPI DSI/CSI, Ethernet, LVDS

  • Internet of Things (IoT) hardware and protocol design and implementation: COAP, MQTT, DTLS, etc

  • Embedded security services: threat modeling, cryptography, etc)

  • Validation and verification

LeafLabs designs and develops world-class embedded system platforms to meet challenges in computing and control across industries and applications

LeafLabs is an industry-leading embedded systems consulting and firmware development firm. Our talented and experienced embedded software developers work on a broad range of embedded software development projects with clients ranging from startups to researchers to Fortune 500 companies and FAANGs.

We pride ourselves on creative solutions, excellent code quality, and being a pleasure to work with.

Embedded Tools

  • Python

  • C

  • C++

  • GCC

  • LLVM

  • Keil

  • IAR

  • Rust


Embedded Case Studies

Project Ara

LeafLabs was the lead firmware development firm responsible for the digital realm, including all firmware development.


Our accessible, powerful, and beloved microcontroller. Designed and documented from the ground up by LeafLabs.