• Synthetic Neurobiology Group, MIT

  • Willow, a 1000 channel data acquisition system

  • Capture, process and display 2024 channels of data

  • FPGA Hardware Architecture, GUI, Product Development, Experimentation, Data Visualization

  • Phase I Small Business Innovation Research grant from the National Institute of Mental Health, under Award Number R43MH101943. Phase II SBIR grant under Award Number 5R44MH114783.

The brain is tremendously complex, and uncovering its secrets requires huge amounts of high-resolution data.

Today, many aspects of neuroscience are data-starved because of technological bottlenecks. LeafLabs is overcoming this challenge by eliminating these bottlenecks at every stage of the pipeline.

When MIT's Dr. Ed Boyden (2016 winner of the Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences) needed to create something that had never been done before, he turned to LeafLabs. His lab, the Synthetic Neurobiology Group (SNG), had developed new ultra-dense neural implants that could record a game-changing 1,000 neurons.

Banner above shows detail of ultra dense recording sites (9x9 μm with a 11 μm pitch) on silicon probe

Close-up of a 1020-channel silicon probe to be packaged onto a PCB breakout (completed version below)

Close-up of a 1020-channel silicon probe to be packaged onto a PCB breakout (completed version below)

Willow system showing probes, headstages, and data acquisition module 

Willow system showing probes, headstages, and data acquisition module

No adequate commercial systems existed to record from the probe’s 1,000 channels.

Willow is the first product developed from the collaboration of LeafLabs and SNG: the 1024-channel data node is designed to be modular, one tenth the cost per channel of existing systems, and scalable.

The data node contains an FPGA that processes 1024 channels of electrophysiological data by communicating concurrently with as many as 32 industry-standard neural amplifier chips. The raw, wide-band data is written directly to a storage drive by the FPGA, while simultaneously being forwarded to a computer for real-time feedback and monitoring by the user. 

Willow reduced per-channel cost by an order of magnitude compared to what had been commercially available.

Visualization of a 2 second capture that preserves the geometric layout of the recording sites on the probe (here four rows and two columns). The amplitude of neural activity varies across the recording sites and reveals the spatial localization of …

Visualization of a 2-second capture that preserves the geometric layout of the recording sites on the probe (here four rows and two columns). The amplitude of neural activity varies across the recording sites and reveals the spatial localization of the neuronal signal sources.

Streaming 32 channels allows online visualization of neural data.

Streaming 32 channels allows online visualization of neural data.

Banner above shows data visualization from a 1020-channel in-vivo multielectrode array recording.

Since the development of
Willow, the system has been involved in pilot studies with MIT, Brandeis, UCSF, Harvard, Columbia and Novartis.

The Synthetic Neurobiology Group was able to record high channel count experiments. 

SNG now uses the Willow system routinely to record high channel count experiments. Through this collaboration, LeafLabs has become a major resource for Dr. Boyden and his research in developing new tools for neuroscience.

Brian Allen of the Synthetic Neurology Group conducting experiments with the Willow System

Brian Allen of the Synthetic Neurology Group conducting experiments with the Willow System

We assist with various levels of programs, including experiment design, basic analysis, and data visualization.

To inquire about starting a pilot study with us, contact us at:

Publications & Info

Murray Carpenter. "Glut of data from mice brains tests MIT’s computing power". January 31, 2016: https://www.bostonglobe.com/business/2016/01/31/glut-data-from-mice-brains-tests-mit-computing-power/Y3V3sKTUP65FDCJiEJPCPO/story.html#comments

Jörg Scholvin, et al. “Close-Packed Silicon Microelectrodes for Scalable Spatially Oversampled Neural Recording.” EEEI Xplore Digital Library, 24 February 2015: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=7047763 

Justin P. Kinney, et al. “A direct-to-drive neural data acquisition system.”Frontiers in Neural Circuits, Front. Neural Circuits, 01 September 2015: http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fncir.2015.00046/abstract

JP Kinney, J Bernstein, J Scholvin, C Moore-Kochlacs, N Kopell, E Boyden. In vivo experimental testing of scalable 3-d microfabricated electrode array neural recording in mammalian brain. Program No. 659.05. 2014 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 2014. Online.

C. Moore-Kochlacs, J Scholvin, JP Kinney, JG Bernstein, YG Yoon, SK Arfin, N Kopell, ES Boyden. Principles of high–fidelity, high–density 3–d neural recording. Program No. 873.03. 2013 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. San Diego, CA: Society for Neuroscience, 2013. Online.

C. Moore-Kochlacs, JP Kinney, JG Bernstein, SK Arfin, J Scholvin, N Kopell, ES Boyden. Spike sorting for spatially dense high channel count extracellular recordings. Program No. 208.19. 2012 Neuroscience Meeting Planner. New Orleans, LA: Society for Neuroscience, 2012. Online.

To learn more visit scalablephysiology.org maintained by the MIT Synthetic Neural Group.  

Spike sorting diagram

Spike sorting diagram

Developing solutions for spike-sorting 1000 channels of neural data

Spike sorting is necessary to extract single neuron activity from extracellular multi-electrode array data. But spike sorting is tedious, and time-consuming, and is a hindrance to deployment of advanced recording technology that allows for larger data sets to be recorded. Limitations in probe technology have traditionally yielded data sets in which neural activity was sparsely recorded, i.e. each neuron in the data set is recorded by a small number of electrodes. In this scenario, spike sorting is mathematically challenging and so has remained a largely manual process with poor results. This whole situation is unsatisfying.


LeafLabs’ breakthrough combines high-channel count, high-density probes, and blind source separation techniques to yield superior separation of neural activity. The application of blind source separation algorithms using higher order moments (ICA vs PCA) to high-density recordings achieves an increase in overall SNR and an unmixing of simultaneously recorded spikes to reduce waveform variance and allow better template matching. The performance of ICA is strongly dependent on the sampling density of the data, and thus requires traces from many recording sites and thus requires high-channel count, high-density probes.

To learn more, contact us at: